Small Onion

Size: 250 g


  • Onions are known to be rich in biotin. Most of the flavonoids which are known as anti-oxidants are concentrated more in the outer layers, so when you peel off the layers, you should remove as little as possible.
  • Onion can fill your kitchen with a thick spicy aroma. It is a common base vegetable in most Indian dishes, thanks to the wonderful flavor that it adds to any dish.
  • If a piece of onion is inhaled, it can slow down or stop nose bleeding.
  • Those who have sleeping disorders or insomnia can have a good night sleep if they have an onion every day.
  • Onions are known to have antiseptic, antimicrobial and antibiotic properties which help you to get rid of infections.
  • Onions are high in sulphur, vitamin B6 and B9. It has high quantities of water and naturally low in fat. It is high in phytochemical compounds.
  • Onions are known to contain manganese, copper, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Folic acid, Amino acid and dietary fibers along with phosphorus, folate and copper.
How to Use:
  • Store in a cool dry place, need not refridgerate.
  • Freezing onions, soaking them under water and keeping the root intact before chopping are some methods to reduce tears while chopping them.
  • It is a versatile vegetable that can be used raw, sauteed, caramelized, roasted, deep fried, pureed or boiled as required.
  • It lends itself very well to almost any cuisine.It can be consumed with salads, curries or chutnies.