Our story

We are consumers of Indian Grocery products in the Netherlands for a long time. As a typical customer ourselves, we have had experiences over the years - mostly good, some bad and a few that begs change. If we consider these few experiences that desperately needs change, three overarching themes become evident.

  1. Product offering: For a country that is as diverse as India, the product offerings on authentic Indian products are still very limited in the Netherlands, especially considering that Indian community in the Netherlands has been steadily growing in the last few years and the needs are ever so increasing. For consumers that means, they would have to settle for what is being offered to them instead of actually shopping for what they would like. 
  2. Transparency: Transparency in product pricing is lacking and not at the level we are satisfied with for a professionally run store.
  3. Reliable and consistent service: All of the above matters only so long as there is consumer trust and customers could rely on the service - whether it is a delivery promise or the content that is offered, in the end it comes down to consumers having to rely on the service.

And that brings us to our actual story of why we started Dbanyan and what we would like to stand for. Our aim is to offer a diverse range of authentic Indian products for our customers - transparently and reliably.

We strongly believe that we are part of the same community that we are offering to and this is a journey together with our customers - what goes around, comes around!


With warmest of regards,

Dbanyan Founding Team 


PS: The name "Dbanyan" is an abridged version of the Dutch article "de" and "Banyan". Banyan derives its strength from its unique branches (our customers) that forms a stronghold to the ground and makes the structure wholesome. It is a metaphor that our customers are not only our strength but also make Dbanyan wholesome.